
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Tyler Harp - Harp Barbecue - Behind the BBQ Front Lines
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
In this episode of Behind the BBQ Front Lines I talk to Tyler Harp from Harp Barbecue in Raytown, MO. This was recorded a few weeks ago when he was still popping up at The Antler Room(https://www.theantlerroomkc.com), but he is now BACK at Crane Brewery(http://cranebrewing.com) in Raytown, Missouri Saturdays 11AM - Sold Out.
Prior to COVID19 he staged at Helberg Barbecue(https://www.helbergbarbecue.com) and Bodacious on Mobberly(https://bodaciousmobberly.com) and got new pits from Harper Barbecue(https://www.instagram.com/harperbarbecue).
We talk about the Kansas City barbecue scene, what he is doing during COVID, and about what is coming soon.
Check out Harp Barbecue on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/harpbarbecue
See Harp Barbecue on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/harpbarbecue

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Simon Majumdar - Eat My Globe Podcast - 10 Minutes With Interview
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
In this episode I chat with Simon Majumdar(https://www.simonmajumdar.com), the Host of the Eat My Globe Podcast: Things you didn't know, you didn't know about food(https://www.eatmyglobe.com/about-eat-my-globe-podcast). He is currently up to Season 4 and we get deeply into the podcast itself and the work and prep that goes into it. Some of my favorite ones are the History of Gin, History of Beef(it's in two parts), History of Cheese, and the 'Last meal served on the Titanic'. Who am I kidding though, the are ALL worth listening to and I promise you, listening will make you smarter. We also go into what a Gentleman Amateur is,
Guy's Tournament of Champions, Chef Carl Ruiz, Anthony Bourdain, bread making, growing scallions in water, his morning walks. how things are similar now to when bubonic plague hit Europe, how restaurants are being resourceful, what it might look like when restaurants do open up again, the National Theatre in London(https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/nt-at-home), and everything in between. I dare say you'll get smarter listening to this too.
Guy's Restaurant Relief Fund: https://rerf.us
Golden Rule Charity: https://www.goldenrulecharity.org
Convoy of Hope: https://www.convoyofhope.org
See all things Simon Majumdar here: https://www.simonmajumdar.com
Check out Simon on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/simonmajumdar
Follow him on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/SimonMajumdar

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Ali Khan | Host of Cheap Eats | Cooking Channel
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
In this episode I get a chance to chat with Ali Khan, the host of Cheap Eats which airs Mondays on Cooking Channel and stars, hosts and is a judge on a large number of shows on Food Network. He's also a food writer, burger blogger, and passionate soul.
Check out Ali Khan on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/alikhaneats
See Ali's YouTube Channel 'Good Sauce' here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNiM1wl2ktRbHwrq4VAgOZA
(check out the new Bitesize series)
Cheap Eats on the Cooking Channel: https://www.cookingchanneltv.com/shows/cheap-eats
Tuesdays - 9AM central
Ali Kaha Eats on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AliKhanEats
Ali Khan Eats on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alikhaneats
Blog Bang for your Burger Buck: https://bangforyourburgerbuck.com
Also can be seen on 'Best thing I ever ate' on Mondays We talk about his time spent in Los Angeles, St. Louis, Blackbook Eats, LA Taco, working on a show with Jeff Mauro, deeply into burgers, tacos, Texas(specifically Austin) barbecue, the Houston food scene, New Orleans, Los Angeles BBQ, and what he's doing during the pandemic(and the crazy original burger he orders from In-n-out)
Favorite quote: "I want to feel like Magic at Dan Tanas"

Sunday May 31, 2020
Charlie McKenna - Lillie's Q - Chicago, IL - From Behind the BBQ Front Lines
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
In this episode of 'From Behind the BBQ Front Lines' I chat with Charlie McKenna from Lillie's Q in Chicago, Illinois.
Lillie's Q at District Brewyards: https://www.instagram.com/lilliesqchicago
District Brewyards https://districtbrewyards.com
417 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 (5 minutes from old location)
Essentially at the same menu(minus bone in chicken)
Tuesday - Saturday 2PM - 8PM
Curbside or delivery
Place orders here: https://www.toasttab.com/district-brew-yards/v3#!/order
restaurant in Destin, Florida is still open for business.
The Lee Initiative: https://leeinitiative.org/
Photos of Lillie's Q by Goldberg Photo: https://www.instagram.com/goldbergphoto

Saturday May 30, 2020
Blake Stoker - Blake's BBQ - Martin, Tennessee | From Behind the BBQ Front Lines
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
In this episode of 'From Behind The BBQ Front Lines' I chat with Blake Stoker from Blake's BBQ in Martin, Tennessee.
Blake's BBQ Hours: Wednesday - Friday 11:00 - Sold Out / Saturday 10:30 - Sold out | Closed Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday
See all things Blake's BBQ here: https://www.facebook.com/Blakes-BBQ-1189254797773684
Check Blake's BBQ out on Instagram here:https://www.instagram.com/blakes_bbq
Follow Blake Stoker on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/bbq_bstoker
We talk about the changes that they have made to accommodate the CDC guidelines for the pandemic and what it's like in Martin(and surrounding cities), Tennessee as things slowly get back to 'normal'. We talk about his menu and how it is changing slightly due to the increase in beef prices. We also talk about the 'perfect' meat combination that makes up part of the now famous Bubba Cole sandwich. We also talk about his upcoming brick & mortar. It's insightful, passionate, and a great tool for those who have BBQ joints outside of Texas.
If you're in the area, you NEED to visit Blake's BBQ.
Find it here: https://bit.ly/3djdMZ7

Thursday May 28, 2020
Danny and Brenda from Heritage Barbecue Need Your Assistance
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Brenda and Danny Castillo from Heritage Barbecue were a mere two months away from achieving their dream of opening their own barbecue spot in San Juan Capistrano when an investor pulled out leaving them in need of $ 50,000 to complete construction to open by July 4th.
To make the goal they have set up a GoFundMe page here: https://bit.ly/2Xdz9Fw
They are also doing two events to raise funds. They are:
Sunday May 31st
They are doing a taco popup at GameCraft Brewing(https://www.gamecraftbrewing.com) in Laguna Hills. For a minimum donation of $25 you get two pulled pork tacos with fire roasted salsa verde and fresh onions/cilantro. No limit on tacos or donations. Garrison Brothers Whiskey(https://www.garrisonbros.com) have donated 40 awesome gift bags that they will be selling on site too with proceeds going to Heritage Barbecue.
Sunday June 7th They will be doing a 6 course dinner in downtown Santa Ana at the Vacation bar(https://vacationdtsa.com). 100 tickets will be sold at $ 100.00 per ticket. Tickets will go on sale online shortly so check their social media.
Follow all things Heritage Barbecue here: https://www.instagram.com/heritagebarbecue

Thursday May 28, 2020
Scott Fogle - Alice's Restaurant at Treaty Oak Distilling
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
In this episode I get a chance to talk with Scott Fogle from Alice's Restaurant at Treaty Oak Distilling in Dripping Springs, Texas.
See all things Treaty Oak Distilling here: https://www.treatyoakdistilling.com
Find out where to buy Treaty Oak whiskey and gin here: https://www.treatyoakdistilling.com/where-to-buy
Check out Alice's Restaurant here: https://www.alicestreatyoak.com/about-us
Alice's hours: Friday - Sunday Noon - 9PM
Order ahead of time at Alice's here: https://www.toasttab.com/treaty-oak-distilling/v3
Follow Treaty Oak on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/treatyoak
See Treaty Oak on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/TreatyOak
Market Hours - 7 Days a Week - Noon - 7PM
Order goods online from the market here: https://www.toasttab.com/treaty-oak-distilling/v3
Get info on all 3 whiskeys here: https://www.treatyoakdistilling.com/whiskey
Note: Tours are back on (with restrictions so visit them online) and capacity has increased due to no limitations for outdoor seating. They are looking to bring back live music this summer. Be sure to visit their website and sign up for the newsletter to be updated.
I chat with Scott about his journey from Dallas to Waco(Baylor University) to New Mexico to Colorado to Hawaii to Austin where he fell in love with BBQ along the way. We talk about working with Miguel at Valentina's Tex-Mex BBQ to Stiles Switch BBQ & Brew to Whitfields, settling in at Alice's Restaurants. He gained incredible knowledge and experience working amazing cooks, pitmasters, and owners. We go deeply into what Treaty Oak is doing during this time and how they have progressed since he came on board. We go extensively into the menu and the pits he uses, with a new 1,000 just arriving from Backline Fabrication. Lastly, we end with him speaking about the amazing work environment it is at Treaty Oak and what a majestic and property the 26 acres lies on.

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tootsie Tomanetz | Snow's BBQ | Lexington, TX - From Behind the BBQ Front Lines
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
In this episode of From Behind the BBQ Front Lines I talk to Tootsie Tomanetz from Snow's BBQ in Lexington, Texas that is currently no open and is only shipping as of today's posting.
See all things Snow's BBQ here: https://snowsbbq.com
Order Snow's BBQ to be shipped to your doorstep here: https://snowsbbq.com/meats
Check out Snow's on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/snowsbbq
See Snow's on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Snows-BBQ-49740591406
We talk about how everyone at Snow's is doing, what it's like to not have Saturday's, their shipping business which has grown, and some improvements to the property that Kerry has done since shutting down for the pandemic(more restaurants(including handicap, a general store, and pavement in the picnic table area). It closes with a message for customers from Ms. Tootsie herself.