
Monday May 25, 2020
Lane Milne - Goldee's Bar-B-Q - Fort Worth, Texas - Interview
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
198. In this episode I chat with Lane Milne from Goldee's Bar-B-Q in Forth Worth, Texas.
See all things Goldee's Bar-B-Q here: https://www.goldeesbbq.com
Current Hours: Friday - Sunday - 11AM - 3PM | Curbside service only
Check out Lane Milne on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/lane_____
See Goldee's Bar-B-Q on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/goldeesbbq
This is a story about a group of friends that grew up in Arlington and all went to high school together in Arlington. All of them moved on to work at some of the best BBQ spots in Texas(and really the country) and then came together to open their own restaurant in Arlington. This was supposed to be open in 2019, but plumbing issues pushed their opening to February to a huge turnout and great reviews. They were only open for 13 actual days before COVID hit and they regrouped with the new hours above starting just recently. In this interview there are great BBQ stories as well as a detailed portion on sausage making. If you are interested in making your own sausage or tweaking your recipe or technique you'll definitely want to check this out.
You can visit them here: https://bit.ly/2ZBFLiO

Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
197. In this episode of 'From Behind the BBQ Front Lines' I chat with Robin Wong from Blood Bros. BBQ in Houston, Texas.
Blood Bros. BBQ website: http://bloodbrosbbq.com
Phone Number to Place To-Go orders: (713) 664-7776
Per Robin, you need to call your order in(no online ordering) and once you place your order it is made then, so you'll need to pick it up.
Hours: Wednesday - Sunday - 11AM - Sold Out
Follow Blood Bros. on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/bloodbrosbbq
Check them out on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/BloodBrosBBQ
See them on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/BloodBrosBBQ
This is an extremely informative interview that starts with me pointing out a burn on his arm and goes into EVERYTHING they are doing during pandemic. There are a good number of tips that a restauranteur could pick up from this and even more for customers on what to expect now and moving forward. We also get into the $10K they received from Kingsford Charcoal as part of their Together With BBQ program where they are giving that same amount to 25 other BBQ restaurants.

Thursday May 21, 2020
Jeremiah Doughty - From Field To Plate - Interview
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
In this episode I get a chance to chat with Jeremiah Doughty from From Field To Plate
See all things From Field to Plate here: https://fromfieldtoplate.com
Follow Jeremiah on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/fromfieldtoplate
From Field to Plate is on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Fromfieldtoplate
Hear his 'Wild Game Based' Podcast here: https://apple.co/2ymn1Zj
To take one of his classes follow this link: https://fromfieldtoplate.com/from-field-to-plate-classes
We go into his journey from Long Beach to Huntington Beach to hunting in Wyoming to dealing with intense intestinal issues(which was a problem he had with processing bovine fats) to his classes in Texas to his advice for people going into the blogging business, to his relationship with Traeger, to death threats from Vegans that turned into friendships, to his new cookbook coming out at the end of the year, to his instagram recipes which all cost $15 or less and are made for him to eat(not created just for a photo), to ferrel cows in Hawaii. It's an incredibly interesting and thoughtful interview that I think you will greatly enjoy.

Saturday May 16, 2020
Aaron Siegel - Home Team BBQ - From Behind The BBQ Front Lines
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In this detailed and thoughtful episode of 'Behind The BBQ Front Lines' I talk to Aaron Siegel from Home Team BBQ in South Carolina. We recorded this May 5th and at that time they had just opened 3 locations for take-out, curbside and delivery with a 4th location coming on board shortly. They have now opened up all 5 locations for take-out, curbside and delivery. Hours: Daily 11AM - 8PM.
See all things Home Team BBQ here: https://hometeambbq.com
Follow Home Team BBQ on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hometeambbq
See Home Team BBQ on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/hometeambbq
If you have ANY questions you can email them at: info@hometeambbq.com
Simplified Takeout MenusAspen | Charleston Area | Columbia
*Please practice social distancing and stay in your vehicle while awaiting your order at curbside pick-up.
Delivery Options: Aspen: Orderfood Aspen
Charleston Area: Postmates
Columbia: Bite Squad
We discuss how he had to furlough all 380 employees on March 17th and have now hired on the entire management team and is slowly hiring on those employees that feel comfortable to come on board. He goes into detail all about the moves that needed to be made and how they affected everyone. He talks about the community and what they have done to help, including a GoFundMe page set up to raise $ 100,000 for the employees as well as other endeavors that went forward. As of airing, they are just not ready for outdoor dining yet.

Friday May 15, 2020
BBQ - EP - 195 - Michael Fulmer - Houston BBQ Festival
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
In this episode I get a chance to chat with Michael Fulmer from the Houston BBQ Festival. He's someone I’ve been friends with since I first got into the BBQ world. Back when Twitter was the only game in town. Since then he has always been encouraging, generous, and helpful. Not only is he a great resource for BBQ knowledge, but he's a fantastic human who I am honored to call a friend. In this interview we go from his early years in DC to moving to Texas to going to UT to his first real taste of quality Texas Barbecue(hint: it's based in Taylor, Texas). We span his career from Pappas Bros. Steakhouse to Mark's to working for the Killen's Restaurant Group. We go into depth on how he met J.C. Reid(Barbecue Columnist for the Houston Chronicle) to starting the Houston BBQ Festival with him(and in detail about the Festival and the festivals they have created that have branched off of it).
Check out Fulmer on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/fulmerhou
See all things Houston BBQ Festival here: https://www.houbbq.com
This year would have been the 8th year of the festival. It has been postponed until 2021.
See the Houston BBQ Festival on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/houbbq
Check out the Houston BBQ Festival on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/HoustonBarbecueFestival
See all things Killen's Restaurant Group here: https://ronniekillen.com

Wednesday May 13, 2020
BBQ - EP - 194 - Ryan Newland - Backline Fabrication - Austin, Texas
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
In this episode I get a chance to chat with Ryan Newland from Backline Fabrication in Austin Texas.
Currently his lead time is 2-3 weeks for live fire items and just 2-3 months for smokers/pits.
The best way to get ahold of Ryan is via email here: RYAN@BACKLINEFAB.COM
See all things Backline Fabrication here: http://www.backlinefab.com
Check him out on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/backlinefab
See him on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/backlinefab
This story really is about the little things along the way that define your success. Ryan works hard and it shows. We get into his journey from Burbank to the car stereo world to Hollywood where he worked as a set decorator. We then talk about his metal fabrication for tours for Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Pink, and Britney Spears which gave him the knowledge to go into pit building. We talk about his entering a BBQ competition and taking that prize money to buy a 250 gallon smoker. We discuss his work for Bangers Sausage House in Austin, Steven Rossler of Rossler's Blue Cord Barbecue, John Brotherton's Liberty Barbecue in Round Rock, Jay Tinney or Tinney's BBQ and the 1,000 he's doing for Alice's Restaurant at Treaty Oak Distilling. We end with discussing ALL of the items he produces(3 in ones, live fire, Santa Maria style, smokers, & backyard versions).
Check out the The Dawgfatha's BBQ video of a reveal party here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvODP0SxuM&t=1

Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
In this episode of '10 Minutes With' I chat with J.C. Reid, the Barbecue Columnist for the Houston Chronicle. We catch up, talk all things Houston Barbecue in terms of what's going on during the pandemic and how restaurants are pivoting to stay open and do business as well as Texas and Los Angeles barbecue. We also get into how you can help the restaurants and employees in need.
See all J.C's pieces here: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/author/j-c-reid
Follow J.C. Reid on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jcreidtx
Check out J.C's website here: https://jcreidtx.com
See my first interview with J.C. here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbKBxVWZRXY&t=2s
See J.C.'s BBQ City Guide for Houston here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRk0psmNwAk&t=1s

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
In this episode of 'Behind the BBQ Front Lines' I talk to Chef Chris Shepherd from Southern Smoke Foundation. We discuss in detail how to donate as well as sign up for relief. We go into how important it is to share this to spread the word as they have a long way to go to assist those restaurant workers from across the United States affected by COVID19.
See all things Southern Smoke Foundation here: https://southernsmoke.org
Donate to Southern Smoke Foundation here: https://southernsmoke.org/support
Sign up for the Emergency Relief Fund here: https://southernsmoke.org/fund
Underbelly Hospitality: https://www.underbellyhospitality.com
Underbelly's Concepts: https://www.underbellyhospitality.com/concepts